


  1. Liu Hao, A Study of Wang Chuanshan’s Thought on “Sheng”, China Social Science Press, 2024.(forthcoming)《王船山“生”的思想研究》,中国社会科学出版社,2024年,即出。

Articles and Book Chapters


  1. The Publication Process of Lu Qingxian Gong’s Diary as Seen in the Manuscript of Liu Shufang’s Diary–A Comparison with the Surviving Printed Books. Bibliography,2024,(forthcoming)《稿本〈柳树芳日记〉所见〈陆清献公日记〉出版过程——兼与遗存出版实物的比较》,《文献》,2024年,待刊。


  1. Dao:the Combination of Li and Qi——The Classical Interpretation Background of Zhuxi’s Theory of Li and Qi and Its Influence. Philosophical Research, No. 7, 2023. 《道兼理气:朱子学理气论的经典诠释背景及其影响》,《哲学研究》,2023年第7期.pdf
  2. The Transcripts of the Sanyu Tang Bibliography and Lu Longqi’s Reading History. Classical Bibliography Research, vol. 26, 2023.《书生的旧业:<三鱼堂书目>抄本与陆陇其的书籍世界》,《古典文献研究》2023年第26卷上
  3. The Double Vision of the Metaphysical Thing:Li-Based Theory and Qi-based theory Under the Classical interpretation. Beida Journal of Philosophy. 2023, No. 45.《“形而上者”的双重视野:经典诠释下的理本与气本》,《哲学门》,2023年
  4. The Original Oneness and the Entity: A New Exploration of Luo Qinshun’s “liqiyiwu” ,Confucianism and Classics Review,2023.《本一与实体——罗钦顺“理气一物”说新探究》,《儒学与古典学评论》,2023年


  1. The New Trends of Revaluation of sheng zhi wei xing in Middle and Late Ming Dynasty. Zhejiang Social Science, No. 7, 2020.《中晚明时代“生之谓性”解释的新动向——以阳明学为中心》,《浙江社会科学》,2020年第7期
  2. A New Understanding of the Li-Qi Theoty in the Ming Dynasty. History of Chinese Philosophy, No. 5, 2020.《理气虽不相离,亦不曾相杂——明代朱子学理气论的一项新了解》,《中国哲学史》,2020年第5期


  1. On Wang Yangming’s Theory of “Liangzhi as Rational Entity”. Academic Monthly, No. 11, 2019.《论阳明学的良知实体化》,《学术月刊》,2019年第11期
  2. A Model of Neo-Confucianism Studies in Mainland China in the Past Forty Years - Professor Chen Lai’s Study of Neo-Confucianism Studies. Guizhou Literature and History Series, No. 1, 2019.《四十年来中国大陆宋明理学研究的典范——陈来教授的宋明理学研究》,《贵州文史丛刊》,2019年第1期


  1. A Bibliographical Investigation on the Works Of Wang Yangming——On the Newly Discovered Three Volumes Works and the Works Edited by Huang Wan. History of Chinese Philosophy, 2018, No. 3.《关于阳明先生文录的文献学新考察》,《中国哲学史》,2018年第3期.pdf
  2. Retrospect and Prospect of the Study of Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties in the Past Decade——Taking the Studies of Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming as Examples. Confucius Studies, No. 4, 2018.十年来宋明理学研究的回顾与展望——以朱子学和阳明学为中心》,《孔子研究》,2018年第4期


  1. A Reconstruction of the Theory of the Original Goodness of Human Nature. Journal of Hangzhou Normal University (Social Science Edition), No. 1, 2017.《气论视野下的性善论重构——基于王船山“生”的思想之考察》,《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》2017年第1期